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Pediatric Bone Marrow Transplant

Pediatric BMT

What is Pediatric BMT Program and how is it different from an adult BMT Program?

Children are not small adults. The approach to dealing with a 5 year old child undergoing BMT has to be different from that of a 50 year old, even if they are suffering from the same disease. The doctors, nurses and other staff need a different sensitivity towards a child suffering from a life threatening disease undergoing a critical procedure. In fact, if an adult is treated like a child, the outcome is much better.

What are the diseases in children which can be cured with a BMT?

Certain diseases affect us either at birth or early childhood. If not treated properly or cured, the little ones do not go into adulthood.

  • Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia- commonest cancer in children

  • Some solid tumours such as Neuroblastoma, Ewings Sarcoma and Brain Tumours

  • Thalassemia

  • Aplastic Anemia

  • Primary Immunodeficiency Disorders

  • Inherited Metabolic Diseases

Who are usually donors for children needing BMT?

A Matched Family Donor is always the preferred choice. This is usually a sibling. Rarely parents can be a full match. If a fully matched family donor is not available, as it happens in 80% of patients, the choice is between a Matched Unrelated Donor, Unrelated Cord Blood or a Half matched or Haploidentical Family Donor.

What happens if the matched brother or sister is also a child?

Any child above the age of 2 years can donate bone marrow or peripheral blood. However, the decision lies with the parents. The doctors shall carefully balance the risks to the donor versus the benefit to the patient. The basic tenet of selecting a donor is that no harm should come to the donor.

How do we decide on the choice of Alternate Donor if a Matched Family Donor is not available?

The current results in children show similar results with a matched unrelated donor or cord blood or Haploidentical BMT. The former are more expensive for patients in India compared to Haploidentical Family Donor. What donor shall be chosen will depend on the following factors:

  • The disease for which the BMT will be done.

  • The expertise of the centre.

  • The financial situation of the family.

Can a child get a BMT done at any Transplant Centre?

The Transplant centre should have the expertise and experience in dealing with children. Always check the facilities available for children and the expertise for pediatric BMT before selecting the centre.

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