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Definition FUE System :

FUE is a hair harvesting method of hair transplantation surgery in which individual natural hair groupings called follicular units – FU are removed by surgically separating them one by one from their natural location which is typically the back and sides of the head. A follicular unit (FU) is the small hair grouping that is naturally found on the scalp.

The result is a natural-looking coverage of hair in the bald area and avoidance of linear or punch-graft-scarring in the donor area. Because the extraction wounds are tiny, they typically heal with cosmetically insignificant scars.

FUE System significantly reduces procedure time to avoid pain and discomfort on neck and shoulder from prolonged sitting and prone position. And with a motionless head positioning indeed prevents minimal losses of hair follicles to achieve successful transplant ; and is a quantum leap from above difficulties in procedures by minimizing losses of hair follicles for transplant. This creates minute wounds with no pain or discomfort that heals rapidly.

Merits of FUE System :

Minimization of hair follicles losses

The FUE technique is difficult and tedious to perform on the part of the physician and staff. FUE is not for everyone and it takes a skilled, trained doctor to differentiate who is a candidate for FUE and who is not. As difficult as it was for the doctor to master the FUE surgery, it was equally difficult for the patient to comprehend what FUE procedures could and could not accomplish.

Harvesting in Bulk

There is a limitation on a bulk donor harvesting with the standard Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT). On contrast, DR. MOH’s FUE System is more capable of hair transplant with bulk donor harvesting.

Minimally invasive – rapid recovery time

Fast and Accurate transplant

Invisible incisional donor scars

Minimal Pain and Discomfort – Patients rarely report donor area pain from the excision site

Minimal Swelling after Surgery

Desired Coverage & Fuller Hair Density – Outstanding outcome with a selective thick hair donor harvesting!!

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