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Oncology deals not only with diagnosis and treatment of all tumors and also all developments in this field. Many studies are conducted and new techniques are developed to ensure early diagnosis of various types of cancers. Computed tomography, ultrasound, nuclear magnetic resonance imaging and PET/CT are only some examples.



Chemotherapy uses potent medicines to destruct cancerous cells. The drugs are usually injected or administered by drop counter. This therapy may, sometimes, require staying at hospital.



Chemotherapy is accompanied by side effect, because drugs may also damage healthy cells. Hair loss, tiredness, feeling sick, vomiting and immunodeficiency can be observed. Sexual life of people can be also influenced. Patients may generate various reactions; all these reactions do not always develop simultaneously.


Treatment and follow-up are planned and applied for patients, who are diagnosed with cancer, at Department of Medical Oncology in our hospital. Advancements in treatment plans ensure that patients are followed up by Medical Oncologist, Chemotherapy Nurse, Radiologist, primary surgeon, a psychologist experienced in oncology and Dietetics and Nutrition Expert and treatment is personalized according to needs of patient.


Our principle in treatment of patient is to play efficient role in resolving medical conditions, including but not limited to infections, renal failure, heart failure, nutritional disorders and so on, which are secondary to chemotherapy. Chemotherapy agents, which are intravenously infused, are prepared safely by an expert chemotherapy Nurse in a special environment. At this outpatient clinic, patients are referred to inpatient settings for chemotherapy administrations, if required.



Diagnosis and treatment services are available for types of cancers written below at Department of Medical Oncology:

•    Lung cancer

•    Prostate Cancer

•    Breast cancer

•    Head & Neck cancer

•    Stomach – bowel cancers

•    Brain Tumors

•    Pancreatic Cancer

•    Liver cancers

•    Gall bladder and biliary tract cancers

•    Malignant mesenchymal tumors

•    Kidney and urinary bladder cancers

•    Melanomas and lymphomas

•    Thyroid cancer

•    Testicular Cancer

•    Ovarian, endometrial and cervical cancers

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