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Insurance Scope

HOSPITHEALTH offers a guarantee for the complications that may arise from this operation after the operation to be performed by foreign patients who come to Turkey for health tourism purposes. The policy is valid for 6 months from the start date. This product covers the following complications:


Dental Complication

+  Eye Complication

+  Hair Transplant Complication


+  Gynecology

+  General surgery

+  Aesthetic

+  Cardiac surgery complications

+  Organ Transplant Complication

Coverage Plans

Inpatient Treatment Coverage

Accommodation Coverage

Travel  Coverage

Insurance Premium

Dental Complication Plan

2.000 USD

1.000 USD



Eye Complication Plan

2.000 USD

1.000 USD



Hair Transplant Complication Plan

2.000 USD

1.000 USD



50 USD

70 USD

50 USD

Orthopedics, gynecology, general surgery, aesthetic, cardiac surgery Complications Plan

2.000 USD

1.000 USD


1.000 USD


150 USD

Organ Transplant Complication Plan

20.000 USD

1.000 USD


1.000 USD


1.000 USD

X : 500 USD exemption

Who can be insured?

Age limit; Persons aged 18-75 and 75 years and older are not covered by the insurance. The policy is produced with the passport number.

What is its geographic scope?

This policy is valid only on the condition that the treatments for the complications of surgery / intervention and medical treatments performed in Turkey after the policy start date are made within the borders of the Republic of Turkey.

In the dental plan,

- Dental Plan Treatments to be made in the dental plan are tooth extraction, surgical tooth extraction, root canal treatment, implant application, prosthetic tooth application and periodontology applications. Orthodontic treatments are not covered.

- Problems such as disliking the color or shape of the prosthesis in the application of prosthetic teeth will not be considered complications and no compensation will be paid.

- Delayed bleeding in surgical tooth extraction, gingival infection, remaining tooth fragment; In implant applications, complications such as the implant not being fully seated, moving, dislodged, and damaging the jawbone are covered by the coverage.


In the eye plan,

Vision correction procedures such as excimer laser and lasik, cataract surgery, ptosis surgery, glaucoma surgery, retinal detachment surgery are covered by the policy. In excimer laser surgeries, flap slippage, keratitis, epithelial walking under the flap, visual impairment of more than 0.75 degrees in the examination performed 60 days after the surgery; In cataract surgery; bleeding, perforation of the eye (perforation), rupture of the lens capsule, loss of transparency of the corneal layer, burns at the incision site, remaining parts of the cataract in the eye, infection, retinal detachment (detachment), edema in the yellow spot, uncomfortable and painful eye, droopy eyelid , glaucoma and/or double vision; visual impairment of more than 1 degree in the examination performed 60 days after the operation; In ptosis surgery; recurrence of drooping eyelids, In retinal detachment surgery, recurrence of detachment, intraocular bleeding, eye perforation; Complications such as conjunctival rupture, scleral flap damage, vitreous loss, loss of central visual field, decompression retinopathy, infection, bleb leakage, suprachoroidal hemorrhage, and uveitis are covered in glaucoma surgery.


Hair Transplant Plan

In the hair transplantation plan, complications that occur as a result of the insured / patient not following the recommendations of the treating physician (such as early hair combing and brushing, non-compliance with the hair washing procedure, not doing the necessary care after the hair transplantation) and the failure of the hair transplantation are excluded from the coverage. Despite all these recommendations being followed, treatments to prevent the transplanted hair follicles from growing or the development of infection in the scalp and hair transplant are covered by the coverage. In order to pay the compensation request, it must be determined with a doctor's report that the recommendations after hair transplantation have been followed.


Orthopedics, Gynecology, General Surgery, Aesthetics, Cardiac Surgery Plans

- In all surgical procedures, complications written in the information and consent form signed by the patient before the operation are not covered. below. (Except death)

- In aesthetic surgeries; Revision requests due to the fact that the surgery performed does not suit personal taste will not be met. However, revisions that will occur as a result of unsuccessful surgery (such as nasal tip drop in rhinoplasty, curvature remaining, asymmetry in breast aesthetics, falling out, skin infection in botox applications, subcutaneous hemorrhage, long-lasting muscle paralysis) are under warranty.


Organ Transplant Plan

In organ transplants, cases where the transplant process needs to be repeated as a result of the rejection of the transplanted organ are covered. In this case, donor-related expenses and tests for organ compatibility are not covered. Only the expenses of the patient / insured person who will be transplanted in the health institution and transportation and accommodation expenses are paid within the coverage limits.

Coverage Details


Medical complications that develop after surgery, intervention, medical applications in a health institution with a Health Tourism Accreditation certificate within the borders of Turkey are paid for the treatments specified in the policy plans within the scope of this coverage, in line with the coverage limits and rates specified in the policy and certificate. Dissatisfaction arising from personal taste in aesthetic surgeries and dental treatments is not covered by this policy. The coverage is valid only for the surgery or intervention specified in the policy, and complications arising from a medical treatment or application other than the relevant policy plan are not covered. The costs for the treatment of the complication with revision surgery or intervention are covered, and the rehabilitation and physical therapy expenses that may be required after the operation / intervention are not covered. The tests and medications required for the medical procedure are also paid within the scope of this coverage. Diagnosis and surgery required by medical intervention are standard pre-op Diagnostic procedures other than examinations and drugs not related to surgery are not covered.



In case of treatment of a complication that develops as a result of a treatment applied in Turkey or revision of the surgery, the economy class air ticket amount paid by the insured to come to Turkey from his/her country is paid with the limit and exemption specified in the policy. Airfare coverage is not available on some plans. Coverage is shown on the certificate and/or policy. In the plans with flight ticket guarantee, the ticket price is exempted from 500 USD and covers tickets up to 1000 USD.



In case of treatment of a complication developed as a result of a treatment applied in Turkey or revision of the surgery, the accommodation expenses that the insured has to make outside the health institution before and after the treatment in Turkey are paid within the scope of this coverage, with a maximum of 100 USD per day and a maximum of 500 USD in total. For accommodation expenses, the first 5 days of accommodation are exempted, and for stays that continue after 5 days, the guarantee is applied. Optional accommodation is not covered in cases where there is no medical necessity. The accommodation requirement is determined by medical reports.

Compensation Payment Applications

Acceptable compensation amount in line with the guarantees held by the insured during the policy period; It is paid from the relevant collateral defined in the certificate, in line with the collateral limit and payment rate. Even if there is more than one complication within the scope of the same plan and the insured has to come to Turkey several times, the total compensation amount that can be paid cannot exceed the total coverage amount written on the policy.


There is no provision and pre-approval in this policy.


There is no indemnity coverage for death in this policy.


The total amount of the health expenditure incurred by the insured is paid to the insured's credit card or bank account at the end of the 10-day review and evaluation period following the submission of the following documents and additional documents that may be required on the basis of the plan.


In claims for compensation in all plans, except that additional documents may be requested on the basis of policy plans; Authorization letter for the Insurer to receive medical documents signed by the Insured First operation report Statement of the insured regarding the complication that occurred (when it started, what complaints occurred …..) Medical report describing treatment for the complication, surgical report, if any The originals of the invoices showing the health institution, hotel and transportation costs Photocopies of the stamp page showing the date of entry into Turkey and the first page showing the identity information of the passport are required.

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