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Hospithealth In Vitro Fertilization Procedures


- In accordance with the laws in Turkey and Hospithealth ethical rules, egg, sperm, and embryo donation is not allowed. For this reason, IVF treatment is allowed using only their own eggs and sperm.


The Hospithealth IVF package includes:

The IVF procedure will start on the second day of the menstrual period. Therefore, it would be beneficial if you do the check-up 1 or 2 days before the menstruation starts. The average duration of the process is between 13 and 17 days.

- Airport pickup and drop off.

- VIP Translator (who will always be guiding the patient while he/she is in the hospital)

- Accommodation (These extra services arranges by us at affordable prices)
- Routine Hormone blood tests (woman)
- Ultrasound
- Spermogram & Sperm Wash

*The IVF steps are:

Step 1: Initial Specialist Appointment
Step 2: Pre-treatment consultation
Step 3: Treatment begins
Step 4: Hormone stimulation
Step 5: Treatment monitoring
Step 6: Trigger injection
Step 7: Egg collection
Step 8: Egg fertilization
Step 9: Embryo development
Step 10: Embryo transfer
Step 11: Embryo freezing (if necessary)
Step 12: Pregnancy test after 12 days

After the embryo transfer will be realized, the couple could go back to their country.

If the couple decides to have the IVF treatment, it is advisable to send us a copy of their tickets as They will be met at the airport and their transfer to the hotel will be organized.


Please be advised that;

-Documents Required For IVF Treatment: Original and valid marriage certificate;


Please note importantly the following:


The following tests are required importantly before starting the treatment.




1-Spermogram (Semen test)

2-Blood tests (HBSAG, ANTI HCV, ANTI HIV)





2-The HSG ( Hysterosalpingography ) is requested within 5 days of the end of the period. During this period, sexual intercourse is prohibited.

According to the results, the IVF treatment will be started one cycle later. The treatment starts on the 2nd or 3rd day of the menstruation.

IVF (In Vitro Fertilisation) is a procedure, applied to eliminate a variety of fertility problems. The method basically involves putting the egg and the sperm together outside the body, in a specialized laboratory environment. And allocating a period of time for the embryo to grow in a special, preserved environment before it is transferred into the woman's uterus.

IVF can be considered one of the foremost effective methods for couples who are willing to have a baby. As Hospithealth, we are ready to realize great success rates competing with the major IVF centers around the World. The success rate of our centers is over the rates reported by legitimate clinics in Europe and rises to those within the USA. Other than various household patients getting the IVF treatment in our centers, we moreover have numerous worldwide patients who are as of now within the IVF prepared and demanding to begin the IVF treatment.

How Is The Process at Hospithealth In Vitro Fertilization Services?

Physicians of In Vitro Fertilization Centers first investigate the conditions that hinder conception of the underlying causes of problems that develop in pregnancy. Gynecologists and obstetricians, embryologists, urologists, perinatologists, and psychologists work in our centers.


Families who are at high risk for certain genetic diseases can be provided with the pre-implantation genetic diagnosis – a preconception diagnosis technique - In Vitro Fertilization Centers.


Diagnosis and Treatment Services available in In Vitro Fertilization and Reproductive Medicine Centers; Ovulation induction, artificial insemination, classic in vitro fertilization, micro-injection, and other micro-manipulation methods, all diagnostic and therapeutic methods such as testicular biopsy, laparoscopic and hysteroscopic surgical procedures are performed at our In Vitro Fertilization Center.
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