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Follicular unit extraction (FUE) is a kind of hair transplant done by taking hair follicles from your donor area and moving them to another part of your head where hair is thinner or absent.

The FUE procedure is considered safe with minor possible side effects, such as tiny white scars where follicles were extracted.

People may experience temporary effects that go away a few days after transplant. Swelling, bruising, and sensitivity are some of the effects.

FUE is often done in 6-8 hours sessions. In some cases, a “mega session” may took 10 to 12 hours.
You don't have to interrupt your daily routine  after FUE. But must not wash your head with pessure water or must not do any hard exercise for about a week.

The cost can vary widely based on how much hair is being transplanted and how experienced your surgeon is.

Hair transplanted into a new area of your head or face typically begins growing back in about 3 to 4 months.

Procedure for FUE hair transplant

Here’s how the FUE procedure works:

  1. Your surgeon will shave down the hair in the area where follicles will be removed as well as around the transplant area.

  2. Using a micropunch tool, they will remove follicles from your skin.

  3. Your surgeon will then make a series of tiny incisions with a needle or other small, sharp tool where the extracted follicles will be inserted.

  4. They’ll insert the follicles into the incisions.

  5. Your surgeon will clean and bandage the area for recovery.

The advantages of FUE performed with Sapphire blades

  • The risk of complications such as trauma and scalp tissue damage are reduced, thanks to the sapphire blade’s sharpness, strength, and antimicrobial qualities.

  • Sapphire blades allow for more dense transplantation, which makes it possible for individuals with advanced hair loss to undergo a fuller hair transformation. It also ensures more natural-looking results in all patients.

  • Tissue recovery is faster in comparison with using steel blades.

  • As a result of opening the channels at the same length of hair follicles, it is not possible for the follicles to become dislodged, nor for their angle alignment to be altered after the transplantation process.

Direct hair implantation (DHI) is a modification of the FUE technique. In FUE, a surgeon manually cuts channels in your scalp before implanting hair follicles. During DHI, they use a specialized pen-shaped tool that can do both at the same time.

How direct hair implantation works

DHI is a modified version of FUE hair implantation and follows a similar procedure. Your surgeon will remove hair follicles from a part of your scalp, usually the back of your head, and implant them into balding areas. These hair follicles will eventually grow new hairs.

Here’s what you can generally expect during the procedure:

  1. Your surgeon will shave your head and apply local anesthesia to numb it.

  2. The surgeon will extract hair follicles from the back of your head using a tool with a fine tip.

  3. The hair follicles will be loaded into a pen-shaped tool and implanted into the balding part of your scalp.

  4. The surgeon will apply an antibiotic cream and apply a bandage to all sites.

FUE and DHI surgeries generally take about 8 hours to complete, but the exact time can vary depending on the number of hair follicles being transplanted. It can take 12 to 18 months to see the full results of the surgery.

Advantages of the DHI Method

Here are the biggest advantages of DHI hair transplants:

  • Reduced time of grafts remaining outside the body, thus ensuring strong and healthy placement of the grafts.

  • Excellent hair follicle survival rates.

  • Reduced bleeding during the creation of the recipient area.

  • Reduced trauma during graft handling. This leads to less damage in the blood supply to the area with implanted hair.

  • Faster recovery during the postoperative phase, on both the donor area and recipient site. The patient can return back to his/her normal routine quicker.

  • The recipient site does not have to be shaved. Thus DHI is a more suitable procedure for people who wish to keep their hair long. Bearing in mind, the donor area does need to be shaved down, and this will be done onsite, prior to the follicular unit transplantation.
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