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Hospithealth Hair Transplant Package Details

+ Special 7/24 unique service by Serdar Durgun.

+ Dr. consultation.
+ Blood test.

+ FUE or DHI Hair Transplant, we will take the maximum grafts.

+ Shampoo and lotion kit. All medicines

+ First Washing

+ Pillow

+ Lunch on the operation day.
+ The recovery from the surgery is 3-4 days.
+ Hotel for 3 nights 4 days including breakfast. (4 nights for DHI two days)
+ Transfer between airport & hospital & hotel

+ Patient follow-up one year (1st week-3rd month-6th month-end of 1 year)

+ Insurance

+ Oxygen therapy


2.100.- Euro (1.800 Pound)  FUE Hair Transplant (Cash)

3.200.- Euro (2.750 Pound) DHI Hair Transplant for two days. (Cash)

- Payment Policy: %100 of the package cost must be deposited before the operation or else the treatment will not begin.

- Payment can be made via bank transfer or cash can be received before the operation.

Estimated Process Plan


  • Welcome- Hotel transport                                                            DAY 1

  • First Examination and operation                                                DAY 2

    • Blood pressure measurement

    • Detection of the hairline

    • Photoshoot

    • Haircut

    • Vascular access

    • Anesthesia application to the donor area

    • Donor recruitment (3-4 hours)

    • Lunch

    • Anesthesia application in the transplant area

    • Transplantation (3-4 hours)

  • Last Examination 1ST wash discharge                                      DAY 3

  • If two days of DHI is preferred, Day 3 will be the second session.

* Send us your flight ticket and passport if you accept this offer.

* The driver will wait for you to pick you up from the airport.

We have some questions to prepare a suitable treatment plan for you. This is important!


Please fill in the consultation form. Or text via WhatsApp

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Sample evaluation photo

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Considerations Before Hair Transplantation

  • Alcohol use should be stopped at least 5 days before planting.

  • Caffeine use should be stopped at least 2 days before planting.

  • Blood thinner use should be stopped at least 5 days before planting.

  • Smoking should be stopped at least 5 days before planting 


Analyzes what should be done before hair transplantation

  • Hemogram

  • Iron binding.

  • Prothrombin time

  • Liver enzymes

  • Cholesterol panel

  • Vitamin D

  • Zinc

  • B12

  • Crp

  • Aptt

  • HBs Ag

  • Anti HCV (Hepatitis C)

  • Anti-HIV

  • TRIOID (TSH group)

  • Glucose


Recommendations for Hair Transplantation Day

You have to make some preparations at home before you come for a Hair Transplant. In the morning of the Hair Transplant operation, there will be some preparation for you at the clinic before the procedure.


  • Hair should not be cut.

  • You should come by taking a shower on transplant day.

  • Comfortable clothes should be preferred. (Front buttoned or zippered)

  • Start the operation day with a nice breakfast and come for the operation with a full stomach.

  • Avoid active, tiresome, and stressful activities and sports before the procedure, and come to the clinic as well-rested.


The first and last wash after hair transplantation


  • Following the operation, the first head washing is done on the first or second day after the operation.

  • The products used during head washing are lotion and shampoo.

  • The lotion should be distributed with very delicate touches on the hair-transplanted area. The amount of lotion poured should be neither too much nor too little. The area should be completely covered with lotion.

  • Applied lotion should be kept for 30 minutes.

  • Lotion should be rinsed just with water. Therefore, rinsing with lukewarm water is important. The flow speed of the shower should be slow.

  • Pour the shampoo into your palm and mix it with water to make it foamy.

  • Foamed shampoo should be applied very slowly and gently to the transplanted area. It should be rinsed with warm and slow-flowing water.

  • The moisture should be removed with a very light buffering method, with the help of paper towels.

  • There is no method for washing the donor area. Wash it as usual.

  • NOTE: Starting from the 6th wash you should massage your head with circular movement.


  • By the 10th wash, the majority of the head crusts should be spilled. Massage can be done harder than usual.

  • Washing can continue for a few more days if the entire of head crusts have not been spilled after 10 days.

  • Stop using shampoo and lotion after all the crusts have been spilled.

  • You can continue your daily washing routine.


The process of development after hair transplantation


  • Following the operation in 15 to 30 days, you can observe that about 80-90% of transplanted hair will shed. Non-shedding hair continues to grow. Shock Loss period!

  • After 3 months, the hair starts to grow gradually, without any certain pattern.

  • The appearance is weak, and the directions are not fully apparent. During hair growth, pimples may occur. Be attentive not to touch these pimples. Within 2 days it will heal. If itching occurs on your scalp, massage with your fingertips.

  • By the 6th month, around 70-80% of transplanted hair is observed.

  • The process is completed at the end of 1 year. The process varies between 18-24 months if the hair is transplanted to the Vertex (crown) area.


Things to do after hair transplantation.


You can continue your daily nutrition routine, however, avoid using extra salt in your food. Consume plenty of liquid food.


During sleep, hair follicles should not be touched and damaged by the bedhead, quilt, or pillow. Therefore, hard and small pillows are recommended. You can lie on your back, on the neck area from where the hair was extracted. Sleeping in a face-down position is not recommended for two weeks to avoid the risk of the contact of the transplanted area with the pillow or bed. Basically, the transplanted area should not be touched for 2 weeks, and the transplanted area should be protected. Every possible contact can damage the transplanted hair follicle and increase the possibility of losing it.


If you are going to travel immediately after hair transplantation, travel with a simple inflatable pillow for your neck. This will prevent the contact of your head with the glass or other surfaces.

Be careful in excessively hot and cold weather. Protect yourself from rain for 1 week, and from sun for 1 month.

You can return to your sexual life two weeks after the operation. Yet it is not recommended to have sexual intercourse within these 2 weeks.


People who engage in any branch of sports should not exercise for a month and should not tire themselves too much. Cardio-style sports should not be done within 15 days and vigorous sports should not be done within 45 days after hair transplantation.

If you are playing sports that might damage your head area (football, basketball, taekwondo, kickbox, boxing, wrestling, etc.), you should start these activities after 6 months.


To avoid swelling due to the fluids given after the operation, apply 10 minutes of ice every 2 hours to your forehead and eye area, and rest for 3 days.

After the operation, you can shorten your growing hair with scissors. After 6 months, all kinds of hairdressing services are permitted.  (i.e. shaving, dyeing, scraping(buzzcut), perms and etc.)


For a month, sports activities, Turkish baths, saunas, swimming, solarium, and all kinds of hairdressing services are prohibited. These may damage hair follicles and increase the risk of infection.

Do not wash the transplanted area and avoid contact with water for two days. The first wash is carried out by your doctor or healthcare team. The important point is not to damage the hair follicles while washing your hair.

Do not use towels or a hair dryer. Drying should be done with a paper towel just as recommended by your specialist.

Unless your specialist recommends it, do not take aspirin after the operation. Besides, it is also not recommended to take blood-thinning medications and herbal supplements such as ginseng, ginkgo biloba, and vitamin E. After the hair transplantation, it may take from 2 to 4 months for your hair to start growing.

Do not drink alcohol for a week. You should also reduce smoking. However, smoking is prohibited on the day of operation and one day after that.



These products will be provided by Hospithealth.

  • STOMACH PROTECTOR (LANZEDIN 3  days Before breakfast)

MORNING   1 TABLET                                         

  • ANTIBIOTIC (CIPRO 500mg 5  days after meal)


EVENING     1 TABLET                

  • PAINKILLER (APRANAX 3 days after meal - If you suffer from pain)


EVENING     1 TABLET       

  • ANTI-EDEMA (PREDNOL 16mg 3 days)

DAY 1:  3 TABLETS (Morning-Noon-Evening after meal)

DAY 2:  2 TABLETS (Morning-Evening after meal)

DAY 3:  1 TABLET (Morning after meal)







These products will be provided by the patient.

* XPECIA OR PAN PLUS GOLD  TABLET (It is a food supplement used against hair loss.)


* MINOXIL SPRAY (It is a topical hair growth stimulant medication)

START 20 DAYS  AFTER THE OPERATION. USE IT AT LEAST 6 MONTHS - Make 5 puffs in the morning and evening and massage the transplanted area with your fingertips.

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