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Hair Transplant for Women


Hospithealth Hair, Beard, and eyebrow transplant packages include;

+ Dr. consultation.
+ PRP+Blood test.
+ Diamond tip
+ FUE Hair Transplant, we will take the maximum grafts
+ HBOT 2 sessions for 2 consecutive days. hyperbaric oxygen therapy
pain relief medication
+ The recovery from the surgery is 3 days.
+ Transfer between airport and hospital.
+ Hotel for 3 nights (Hilton Hotel ) including breakfast for the patient and companion.
+ Shampoo and lotion kit.


The procedure mentioned above is also for Eyebrow transplant and beard transplant.

What is Female Hair Transplant ?


Hair loss affects both men and women, contrary to popular assumption. Although male’s baldness is a generally foreseeable ailment as they get older, baldness in females is frequently unanticipated at any time.

Women should be extensively evaluated by a medical professional in hair transplants before undergoing this procedure to guarantee that they do not have any curable health problems causing their baldness. The next step is to determine if Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) or Direct Hair Implantation (DHI) is the optimal method for achieving the necessary outcomes.

The removal phase begins once the anesthetic has taken effect, and the hairs are removed from the donor site using a punch or tweezers in compliance with the hairline design that has been developed in preparation. Following that, microscopic cuts are produced at the recipient site with the use of microneedles, whereas DHI would not involve this cutting phase. The transplantation procedure begins soon once the cuts have been created.

Can Women Get Hair Transplant ?

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Female hair transplant is suitable for a limited proportion of women, according to doctors. This surgery will help about 2% to 5% of ladies who are experiencing hair fall. They are ladies who have lost their hair owing to traction alopecia or physical alopecia, that is, nonhormonal one. Women who have already undergone cosmetic or plastic surgery and are worried over baldness across the wound areas are also good candidates. In addition, Women who have lost their hair due to injuries, such as burn survivors, incident damage, or skin irritation, can benefit from female hair transplantation.

Female hair transplantation is recommended for ladies who already have healthy donor follicles. Furthermore, most professionals believe that the “suggested” age limit for female hair transplants is 24, thus you must be over 24 to get it done. Although hair transplant surgery is a reasonably easy treatment, women with chronic health conditions may not be a good candidate for it.

Difference between women and men hair transplant 

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In hair transplantation in women, it is crucial to transfer hair from dense areas to balder areas. Hair loss in women can occur over the entire scalp, which is very different from hair loss in men. This barrier sometimes impedes women from benefiting from a full hair transplant treatment due to the lack of stable donor areas. In addition, because the baldness process varies more in women than in men, there are fewer donor areas in women than in men.

It is imperative to choose the right surgeon to perform the hair transplant in order to obtain a satisfactory result in the case of a female hair transplant. Before the operation takes place, candidates must pass blood tests to ensure that there are no obstacles to female hair transplantation. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is the method commonly used for female hair transplants.

Hair transplantation in women is a fragile process that requires specialized and delicate care.

Our team of specialists will guarantee the success of hair transplantation by analyzing and determining the reason(s) for hair loss and proposing the best technique to recover the original hair.

We mainly have two distinct techniques for hair transplantation in women. The initial method is called FUE, (Follicular Unit Extraction).  The FUE technique consists of carefully transporting to the bald or thinning areas on the back or side of the head to minimize the possibility of scarring. The second, less commonly used method, is called FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation). This method will only be used if the FUE method is ineffective for the patient.

Women hair transplant procedure 

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Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

Our hair restoration experts in Turkey utilize follicular unit extraction (FUE), to individually harvest hair follicles—in which a circular incision is made in the skin around the upper part of the follicle from the back of the head.

Direct Hair Implantation (DHI) 

Direct hair implantation method (DHI Turkey) with female hair transplantation involves implanting hair follicles one by one directly to the hair loss area. Each hair follicle is implanted in a precise direction, angle, and depth, using a DHI tool (DHI implanter), providing natural results and maximum coverage. The use of DHI Implanter eliminates the need for the creation of holes or slits in the recipient area.

The doctor will identify your donor and recipient areas and work to personalize a plan to help you achieve the most natural-looking hairline with a healthy donor area.

Follicles will be extracted from the backside of the head. This process is performed by a micro-motor creating 0.7-0.8 mm microholes in diameter. It is used to make very small incisions in the donor area to prepare for hair follicle harvest. Our trained team examines the follicular grafts and prepares them for placement. Follicular unit grafts are arranged into groups depending on the number of hairs in each follicle. 

Once the local anesthesia is administered, the recipient area is prepared for the surgical process. After the incisions are made, follicular unit grafts are implanted in the tiny incisions of the recipient area. 

The grafts are placed one by one in the pre-planned direction depending on the number of hair within each follicle. 

What Are the Risks and Side Effects of Female Hair Transplant?

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Women’s hair transplantation can be difficult because feminine baldness styles are more heterogeneous than male hair loss styles. Nevertheless, if the circumstances for hair density are met, an educated and skilled surgical staff can achieve the goal with a strong degree of effectiveness. On the other hand, there can be side effects and risks despite reaching the goal finally. Among those, scars are the most known side effects, and they cannot be prevented with any type of cosmetic surgery. Other possible side effects are as follows:

  • Reactions and infections

  • Across the implant site, there may be crust or mucus seepage.

  • Itching, skin irritation, and inflammation of the scalp

  • Follicle swelling, also referred as folliculitis

  • Bleeding

  • Losing feeling in the immediate area of the implant site

  • Noticeable zones of hair that are significantly thinner or do not fit the encircling hair

  • Retaining hair loss if your hair is still thinning

Female Hair Transplant- Recovery Timeline

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The female hair transplant surgery recovery period is estimated to be roughly two weeks, although most patients recover in just seven days. Returning to work and your normal daily routine will take the same amount of time.

In these times, you ought to remember of;

  • You are a unique individual and your recovery period will be special to you.

  • The first healing time for a female hair transplant is only 2-3 days. During the primary few days, a soft dressing is applied to the rear of the scalp to hide the very small 0.9-1.2-millimetre extraction holes. This dressing wraps around the front of the brow and secures the bandage over the back.

  • It would be better to avoid from smoking, consuming alcohol, and the beverages containing caffeine.

  • The freshly transplanted hair will fall out two to three weeks following the female hair transplant. This is a typical process that should not be feared. This is a traditional a part of the hair growth cycle. Even though there is hair loss, the follicle remains healthy and returns to the growth phase after a few weeks.

  • During the first three months, the transplanted hair is in a typical resting phase. At this time, the patient with hair implant looks just like he or she did before the surgery. This is also common. You should continue to carefully follow all postoperative instructions and schedule follow-up appointments with your doctor.

You may expect;

Positive ones:

  • Female hair transplant recipients will benefit from a restored, natural-looking hairline with thicker follicles

  • Patients will benefit from a quick recovery period because the surgery is very non-invasive.

  • The outcomes of a female hair transplant are meant to be permanent.

Negative ones:

  • Despite the fact that a female hair transplant is a very non-invasive procedure, patients may have minimal bleeding and edema at the extraction site.

  • While infections are a very rare consequence, any discomfort can be alleviated with prophylactic medicines.

  • After a female hair transplant, individuals may develop folliculitis, which is an inflammation of the hair follicles.

  • Patients may notice a loss of sensation in the treated areas of the scalp.

You will also;

  • You will use medical-shampoo

  • A medicated shampoo has a one-of-a-kind blend of nutrients and medical-grade biological stimulants.

  • You will get morphogen therapy

  • This is a nutrient serum containing scalp vasodilator therapy that will enhance blood supply and other necessary elements to the poor hair bulbs.

  • Bio stimulants and Injectable Growth Factors

  • Growth factors derived from the patient’s own blood can be injected into the scalp, reviving dormant hairs and reducing ongoing anagen hair loss or the advent of “shock hair.”

To sum up, although patients’ recovery times and stages may vary, there are some things that they can expect. Due to graft removal, the patient has a small hole in the donor area immediately following the treatment. As the hair grows, that will close in a few days and look like nothing was done in a week. There is sometimes a small inflammation in the donor location that can continue for a week or two following the treatment. But, it is not a big deal because if there is no pain, no gain!

Before Hair Transplant 

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Your doctor will review the planning decided during your examination and will invite you to the clinic room for transplantation. You can ask all questions you may have at this stage. Your picture will be taken by a medical photographer before the operation and then the procedure will start.

Hair Transplant  Operation

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In general, hair transplantation follows below steps:
•    Determined donor site is prepared
•    Then, transplantation site where collected follicles will be transferred to is prepared.
•    Follicles to be transplanted are prepared for the procedure.
•    Finally, Hair Transplant  is performed and hair follicles are placed to their new locations

After taking your pictures, lines will be drawn to your head to restrict the area. Local anesthesia is performed so that you don't feel pain. You can read a book, watch television or even sleep during this time.
As the donor site is one of the most precious treasure of the patients with baldness, your doctor will collect the hair follicle with utmost care without damaging. There will be a break after a certain amount of time depending on the baldness degree and number of collected hair follicles.

Hair Transplant  starts right after the break is over. Transplantation density is decided based on the hairline, characteristics of the collected hair, age of the patient, and shape of the head and face.  Healthy hair follicles collected from the donor site are planted to the related area in suitable degrees. Direction and angle are the two most important stages of the procedure and they are crucial that the patient's hair won’t look like a hedgehog when grown. At this point, doctor’s aesthetic estimation and professionalism gets into play. Donor site is bandaged and the procedure is completed.

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