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Gamma Knife

What is Gamma Knife

Gamma Knife, a radiosurgery method, was the first time used in 1968. Nowadays, Gamma Knife is being used in approximately 300 centers around the world.

There's no other gadget in this field that can approach the precision of Gamma Knife and has helped many patients.

Gamma Knife Perfexion, the modern state-of-the-art model from Gamma Knife, which is characterized as the gold standard in Radiosurgery, abbreviates the treatment process for brain tumors easily and without open surgery.

The advantages of Gamma Knife treatment:

  • It can dispense with the require for open surgery on many brain tumors

  • There few adverse impacts following the procedure

  • It does not require common anesthesia

  • The patient can return to their home the day the treatment is performed

  • There is no recovery period

  • There is no incision on the scalp or head

  • Hair does not need to be cut and does not drop out Tremendous advantage with small discomfort Ability to return to work quickly

  • Less costly than a few surgical procedures

  • Healthy brain tissue is exposed to very small radiation

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