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Bone Marrow Transplant


What is Bone Marrow Transplantation?

Bone marrow transplantation is the replacement of a damaged or completely destroyed bone marrow with new bone marrow cells. Bone marrow transplantation can be a life-saving method in Acute Leukemias and Lymphomas which are resistent to standard chemotherapy.

Types of translations

Stem cells can be collected from our own body or another individual, this other individual is called donor.

Autologous transplantation is the method of using the patient’s own stem cells. This method of transplantation is mainly used in Multiple Myeloma and Lymphoma patients

Full Matched Allogenic transplantation is the procedure of using another person’s fully compatible stem cells. This is preferably a Full Matched sibling of a patient.

Matched Unrelated Donor Transplantation Performed for patients who do not have a full matched sibling. It is found by searching National and International Bone Marrow Banks.

Haploidentical Transplantation Performed for patients who do not have a full matched sibling and in urgent need of transplantation. Donor is a half matched sibling, mother, father or child of the patient. It is a relatively new method and can be as effective as Matched Unrelated Donor Transplantation in experienced centers.

How is the donor determined in Matched Unrelated Donor Transplantation (MUD)?

  • If the patient doesn’t have a related donor National and then International (DKMS, BMDW) databases are searched for an unrelated donor using donor. 10 Parameter high-resolution HLA typing test will be performed in order to check donor registries.

  • Once the patient’s HLA type is known, a preliminary search can be performed. The preliminary search is a computerized search designed to identify potential bone marrow donors that have similar HLA antigens.

  • If the preliminary search is successful in identifying potential donors a formal search is initiated. During this process, potential donors are contacted by the bank and blood samples are obtained to confirm HLA-typing and perform other screening tests. These additional blood tests are more specialized and are designed to determine which donor is the best possible match.

  • An unrelated donor search is a complex and time-consuming process. On average, it takes up to 3 months to complete the search process, therefore, it is imperative to begin the unrelated search process as soon as possible.

What is Haploidentical Transplantation?

A very special method of transplantation that is currently performed in only a few centers worldwide is the Haploidentical stem cell transplantation, this method is likely to eliminate the problem of finding a donor completely and therefore considered as the transplantation method of the future. 10/10 tissue match is not considered essential in Haploidentical transplantation, and the mother, father, semi-compatible sibling or the child of the patient can be a donor even if there is only half compatibility.

Which diseases is BMT used for?

Bone marrow transplantation is performed in individuals who have diseases affecting the bone marrow such as leukemia or myelodysplastic syndrome, other hematological malignancies such as Lymphomas and Multiple Myeloma, Aplastic anemia where the bone marrow cannot provide adequate blood-forming cells. It can also be used in a number of chemotherapy unresponsive Oncological cancers such as testicular cancer, neuroblastoma and medulloblastoma and Congenital disorders such as Thalassemia, Sickle cell disease, Porphyrias, severe immunodeficiency disorders.

How long does the healing process take after the transplantation?

High-dose chemotherapy leads to nausea, diarrhea, fever, hair loss, and the need for blood and platelet transfusion. Within two weeks after the transplantation, the new cells find their places and start producing cells. Patients’ general condition improves with elevating blood cells levels, and then, they get to a point where they can be discharged. From that point on, they return for follow-up visits at regular intervals.

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